Monday, February 15, 2010

CONTACT US regarding your experience with HSSBV!

We are the clearinghouse for gathering information about the killings of thousands of animals at the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley, the alleged abuse of animals and the alleged misrepresentations made to owners that their animals would be rehomed but were killed instead.

**If you have worked or volunteered for them PLEASE CONTACT US.

**If you gave an animal to HSSBV or any of the following PLEASE CONTACT US:
Lynn Hildebrand, Cindy Morgan, Linda Sheehan, Barbara Zolle, Shirley Shuster, Carol Murphy.

**If you believe your animal was lured into any of the baited traps set around the City by a HSSBV employee, PLEASE CONTACT US.

**If you know of someone who has worked or volunteered for them PLEASE CONTACT US.

**If you have any information that you think would be helpful for the authorities to know about PLEASE CONTACT US.

**If you donated money to the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley and believe you were misled about their activities and use of your funds, PLEASE CONTACT US.

**If you feel you have legal damages due you from them PLEASE CONTACT US.